wit 3D

What is 3D printing?

Issuing time:2020-04-15 00:00

3D printing, also called additive manufacturing,is a family of processes that produces objects by adding material in layersthat correspond to successive cross-sections of a 3D model. Plastics and metalalloys are the most commonly used materials for 3D printing, but it can work onnearly anything—from concrete to living tissue.

What is 3D printing used for?

Efficiently make one-off parts and create highlycomplex geometries that are only possible with 3D printing.

a.     Prototyping

3D printing has long been used to quickly createprototypes for visual aids, assembly mockups, and presentation models.

b.     Lightweight parts

Fuel efficiency and emissions reductions aredriving the need for lightweight parts via 3D printing in aerospace andautomotive applications.

c.      Functionally enhanced products

3D printing removes many of the constraintsimposed by traditional manufacturing processes that prevent engineers fromtruly designing for optimal performance.

d.     Custom medical implants

To achieve osseointegration, manufacturers areusing 3D printing to precisely control surface porosity to better mimic realbone structure.

e.     Tooling, jigs, and features

3D printed composite tooling and machiningfixtures are often cheaper and faster to produce, and conformally cooledinserts for injection molds can dramatically reduce cycle times.

f.       Metal casting patterns

Combining 3D printing with metal casting bridgesthe gap between generatively designed parts and proven manufacturing approachesfor large metal objects.

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